Topic: Sexual Consent

Please be reminded that Safe4me is NOT a standalone resource; it is designed as a toolkit to support teachers to deliver information to pupils specific to the Law, Consequences and Personal Safety only.

The resources in this tool-kit are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet individual needs, suitability and time; adaptable for KS3, KS4 and Post 16, they can be used in one or across multiple lessons.

There is vast range of valuable resources made available by a host of other organisations, providing advice and materials to support work relating to this topic; the link below gives access to a directory of useful resources.


  1. To develop knowledge of the wider meanings of sexual consent
  2. To develop skills relating to situation awareness and safe choices
  3. To develop knowledge of choices, consequences and the law
  4. To develop knowledge of how and where to get support

Learning Outcomes

  • Improved understanding of what sexual consent means
  • Improved understanding of risky situations and the importance of making safe choices
  • Improved understanding of how choices determine consequences and influence outcomes
  • Awareness of relevant support services and how to access them in school. locally and nationally

PSHE Criteria KS1-2

H42. about the importance of keeping personal information private; strategies for keeping safe online, including how to manage requests for personal information or images of themselves and others; what to do if frightened or worried by something seen or read online and how to report concerns, inappropriate content and contact

R16. about how to respond if physical contact makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe

R29. where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or someone else’s personal safety (including online)

PSHE Criteria KS 3-4

R25. about the law relating to sexual consent

R19. about the impact of attitudes towards sexual assault and to challenge victim blaming, including when abuse occurs online

R29. the impact of sharing sexual images of others without consent

R37. the characteristics of abusive behaviours, such as grooming, sexual harassment, sexual and emotional abuse, violence and exploitation; to recognise warning signs, including online; how to report abusive behaviours or access support for themselves or others

R28. to recognise when others are using manipulation, persuasion or coercion and how to respond

RSE Secondary

  • the characteristics of positive and healthy friendships (in all contexts, including online) including: trust, respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, boundaries, privacy, consent and the management of conflict, reconciliation and ending relationships. This includes different (non-sexual) types of relationship.
  • what constitutes sexual harassment and sexual violence and why these are always unacceptable.
  • the concepts of, and laws relating to, sexual consent, sexual exploitation, abuse, grooming, coercion, harassment, rape, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based violence and FGM, and how these can affect current and future relationships
  • how to recognise the characteristics and positive aspects of healthy one-to-one intimate relationships, which include mutual respect, consent, loyalty, trust, shared interests and outlook, sex and friendship.

Lesson Resources

Each of the 4 stages aligns with one of the aims and learning outcomes, providing users a flexible and focussed approach to lesson delivery; activity resources and user notes can be accessed via the links below.

Setting the Learning Environment and Welfare

Safe4me recognises the importance of planning and preparing pupils for learning; please read the guidance below prior to using the resources to ensure the best possible learning experience and outcomes for pupils.


  • Ensure pupils have been prepared for the topic prior to this lesson.
  • Ensure follow-on work is planned to develop further learning
  • Be mindful of the nature or sensitivity of the subject and AVOID personalising or directing questions at individuals, i.e. ‘Has anyone ever seen/done/been affected by……’
  • Be aware of Safeguarding policy regarding disclosures or concerns for welfare and safety.
  • Reassure pupils that they are not expected to give real life experiences
  • Explain procedure for leaving the class if pupils feel upset or uncomfortable; where/who to go to.
  • Ensure you sign-post pupils to follow-on support; include staff in school and other services recommended in this resource or network directory.
  • Given the nature or sensitivity of the topic, consider pupils who may wish to ask questions, express views or share their experiences in forms other than verbally.
  • Suggestion: site a ‘post box’ in classroom/school.

Ground Rules

  • Introduce topic, explaining the consideration needed when contributing i.e. feelings and values of others
  • Inform pupils of boundaries: what is expected, what won’t be tolerated and any subsequent consequences
  • Explain objectives, process, and the value of exploring the topic and allowing pupils time to prepare themselves for learning
  • Explain value of peer-learning through sharing values, views and knowledge; and the added value of listening if choosing not to contribute verbally.

Getting started

The starter activity resources are designed to capture base knowledge and prepare pupils for learning about the topic; some can be re-visited at the end of the lesson to evidence the learning journey, it also contains suggestions and links to the starter resources.

Getting Started Activity Sheet

Stage 1 – Introduction to Consent

A guidance sheet and links to resources for stage 1 can be found by using the button below.

Sexual Consent - Stage 1 (Opens as PDF)

Stage 2 –

A guidance sheet and links to resources for stage 2 can be found by using the button below, a Teacher reference sheet is also provided to help support the structure of this activity;

Teacher Reference Sheet
Activity Guidance Sheet

Stage 3 – Consent Scenarios

Activity Guidance Sheet

House Party Scenario

Part 1 – Scenario

Teacher Reference Sheet

Part 2 – Outcomes and Consequences

Outcomes and Consequences
Teacher Reference Sheet

Part 3 – Choices

Choices Task Sheet
Teacher Reference Sheet

Night Club Scenario

Part 1 – Scenario

Teacher Reference Sheet

Part 2 – Outcomes and Consequences

Outcomes and Consequences
Teacher Reference Sheet

Part 3 – Choices

Choices Task Sheet
Teacher Reference Sheet

Stage 4 – Support Poster

The link below, will provide a download of a support poster that can help to signpost your students to organisations where they can seek further advice/guidance and support.

Support Poster

Finishing up

Suggested activity resources can be accessed via the link below; they are intended to capture the learning journey by re-visiting the option chosen at the start or by using another. It also contains suggestions and links to the resources.

Parent/Carer Information

All resources in this section are intended as a home-school link to inform and support parents and carers by contribute to their child’s welfare and education; by clicking the link below, these can be printed or sent electronically via parent mail.


Parent/Carer Information

10 things that are definitely not consent.

Sexual consent is when a person has the ability and freedom to agree to sexual activity.

Knowing someone, being drunk or on drugs, or having been intimate with them before does not automatically mean they consent and it is not an excuse.

A person must be able to make their own decisions and have the mental capacity to give consent. Having capacity means the person can make a decision, understand the consequences and knows that they have a choice. If they cannot do this they cannot give consent.

You should keep in mind that:

  • being friendly, flirting, kissing or being intimate does not equal consent
  • consenting in the past does not mean consent is automatically given in the future
  • being married or in a relationship does not mean automatic consent
  • silence, or not saying “no” does not mean somebody is consenting
  • someone who is asleep, unconscious or drunk is not capable of giving their consent

Anyone has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Once consent is withdrawn sexual activity must stop immediately. By continuing you will be committing an offence.