Meet the lurking trolls, a gruesome gang of online troublemakers who are here to help children learn how to spot potential perils online and what to do if something goes wrong.
Explore story books, cartoons, tools and tips to learn more about online safety.
Beware of Lurking Trolls is a campaign designed to help protect children from online harm. It centres around a storybook Peril of the Possessed Pets and is used in primary schools with children aged 7 to 11 years.
There’s a whole host of tyrannical trolls for children to meet who will help them learn about some of the hurtful and harmful issues they may encounter online – such as bullying, self-image, exploitation and fake news. The campaign aims to help children develop the skills they need to recognise these issues and have an understanding of how to overcome them, so that they will be safe online in the future.
The campaign is backed by the Safeguarding Children Partnerships in Portsmouth, Southampton, Isle of Wight and Hampshire and has been developed with support from schools, child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), the police, local authority children and education services, public health and library services.
We hope that millions of families across the south can benefit from the campaign’s engaging stories, fun cartoons and important messages to keep children safe online.