Topic: Drugs

Please be reminded that Safe4me is NOT a standalone resource; it is designed as a toolkit to support teachers to deliver information to pupils specific to the Law, Consequences and Personal Safety only.

The resources in this tool-kit are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet individual needs, suitability and time; adaptable for KS3, KS4 and Post 16, they can be used in one or across multiple lessons.

There is vast range of valuable resources made available by a host of other organisations, providing advice and materials to support work relating to this topic.


  1. To develop understanding of the classification of common known drugs
  2. To develop understanding of law, powers and sentences related to drugs
  3. To develop understanding of risks associated with drugs and a criminal record
  4. To develop knowledge of how and where to get support

Learning Outcomes

  • Pupil to understand the classification for a variety of common drugs
  • Pupil understands the laws, powers and sentences that apply to drug association
  • Pupil is aware of wider risks and implications of drug use and a criminal record
  • Pupil will know of support services available and how to access them.

PSHE Criteria KS 3-4

H20. wider risks of illegal substance use for individuals, including for personal safety, career, relationships and future lifestyle

H26. information about alcohol, nicotine and other legal and illegal substances, including the short-term and long-term health risks associated with their use

H28. the law relating to the supply, use and misuse of legal and illegal substances

L19. to recognise financial exploitation in different contexts e.g. drug and money mules, online scams

RSE Secondary

  • the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances and associated risks, including smoking, alcohol use and drug-taking.
  • the facts about legal and illegal drugs and their associated risks, including the link between drug use, and the associated risks, including the link to serious mental health conditions.
  • the law relating to the supply and possession of illegal substances.
  • awareness of the dangers of drugs which are prescribed but still present serious health risks.

PSHE Association Resources and General Guidance

The resources below have been created by the PSHE Association to support delivery of this subject.

Safe4Me Additional Resources

We have also included some additional handouts and activities that you may find useful to use in your lessons. These can be found under the ‘Additional Resources’ tab below.

Setting the Learning Environment and Welfare

Safe4Me recognises the importance of planning and preparing pupils for learning; please read the guidance below prior to using the resources to ensure the best possible learning experience and outcomes for pupils.


  • Ensure pupils have been prepared for the topic prior to this lesson.
  • Ensure follow-on work is planned to develop further learning
  • Be mindful of the nature or sensitivity of the subject and AVOID personalising or directing questions at individuals, i.e. ‘Has anyone ever seen/done/been affected by……’
  • Be aware of Safeguarding policy regarding disclosures or concerns for welfare and safety.
  • Reassure pupils that they are not expected to give real life experiences
  • Explain procedure for leaving the class if pupils feel upset or uncomfortable; where/who to go to.
  • Ensure you sign-post pupils to follow-on support; include staff in school and other services recommended in this resource or network directory.
  • Given the nature or sensitivity of the topic, consider pupils who may wish to ask questions, express views or share their experiences in forms other than verbally.
  • Suggestion: site a ‘post box’ in classroom/school.

Guidance on Delivery

  • Introduce topic, explaining the consideration needed when contributing i.e. feelings and values of others
  • Inform pupils of boundaries: what is expected, what won’t be tolerated and any subsequent consequences
  • Explain objectives, process, and the value of exploring the topic and allowing pupils time to prepare themselves for learning
  • Explain value of peer-learning through sharing values, views and knowledge; and the added value of listening if choosing not to contribute verbally.

Teacher Guidance and Lesson Resources

The buttons below provides a PDF guidance document, Lesson plans and resources and a review based on research and feedback, which we would advise Teachers read before delivering any of the subject.

A before and after knowledge check and student evaluation sheet can also be found to help with initial and summative assessment.

Teacher Guidance
Resources and Lesson Plans
Additional Guidance Notes
Knowledge Check
Evaluation Sheet

Year 7 & 8 Presentation

The buttons below will take you to each individual lesson’s power point presentation. The presentations feature a set of teacher guidance slides and a set of student facing slides.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3

Year 9 Presentation

The buttons below will take you to each individual lesson’s power point presentation. The presentations feature a set of teacher guidance slides and a set of student facing slides.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Year 10 & 11 Presentation

The buttons below will take you to each individual lesson’s power point presentation. The presentations feature a set of teacher guidance slides and a set of student facing slides.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Nitrous Oxide Awareness Session

Support and Advice

The link below, will take you to a downloadable PDF complete with QR Codes that can be displayed in around your School/College.

Support and Advice