Topic: Respecting Diversity (Prejudicial Language)

This toolkit aims to support and assist education staff, partner agencies and CYP practitioners in their work with children, young people and families.


The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, understanding that each individual is unique with individual differences. The Equality Act 2010 introduced 9 Protected Characteristics that are protected under law in terms of discrimination:

  • Race
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Sex (Gender)
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Age
  • Religion and Belief (this includes no religion or belief)

With the increasing need to challenge and address hate motivated/targeted behaviour among communities, in particular young people, this toolkit captures expert organisations who can provide information, advice and resources to support work relating to specific protected characteristics.

The information and resources offered aim to support professionals with educating children and young people about respecting individual differences, exploring these in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment to help them better understand each other and move beyond ‘simple tolerance’ to respect, embrace and celebrate the diverse society they are growing up in.

The topic tabs below provide support, information and resources from specialist dedicated organisations.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week
Stop Hate UK

Law Overview

Incidents which involve acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are, or who someone thinks they are, dealt with by police as a ‘Hate Crime’ or ‘Hate Incident’.

Any act which amounts to a criminal offence can be a hate crime if it was carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation.

Incidents related to other personal characteristics, such as age or belonging to an alternative subculture, are not classified as hate crimes under the law. Such incidents can still be reported and will be dealt with in accordance to the offence committed, but will not be prosecuted as hate crimes by the police and the Crown Prosecution Service.

When an incident is classified as a hate crime, the criminal justice system can impose a tougher sentence on the offender under the Criminal Justice Act 2003.

For more information about Hate Crime and reporting it can be found on the Hampshire Constabulary website via the link button below:

PSHE/RSE Curriculum

The resources provided in this section can help with curriculum delivery against the following PSHE/RSE Criteria.

PSHE Criteria KS 1- 2 

  • R22. about how to treat themselves and others with respect; how to be polite and courteous
  • R23. to recognise the ways in which they are the same and different to others.
  • R32. about respecting the differences and similarities between people and recognising what they have in common with others e.g. physically, in personality or background.
  • R33. to listen and respond respectfully to a wide range of people, including those whose traditions, beliefs and lifestyles are different to their own.
  • L8. about diversity, what it means, the benefit of living in a diverse community about valuing diversity within communities.
  • L9. about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes.
  • L10. about prejudice; how to recognise behaviours/actions which discriminate against others; ways of responding to it if witnessed or experienced.

PSHE Criteria KS 3- 4

  • R3. about the similarities; differences and diversity among people of different race, culture, ability, sex, gender identity, age and sexual orientation.
  • recognise that sexual attraction and sexuality are diverse
  • R34. strategies to challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination.
  • R39. the impact of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination on individuals and relationships.
  • R40. about the unacceptability of prejudice-based language and behaviour, offline and online, including sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, ableism and faith-based prejudice.
  • R41.the need to promote inclusion and challenge discrimination and how to do so safely, including online.

PSHE Criteria KS 5

  • recognise and challenge prejudice and discrimination and understand rights and responsibilities with regard to inclusion.
  • recognise, respect and, if appropriate, challenge the ways different faith or cultural views influence relationships.
  • R25. ways to celebrate cultural diversity, promote inclusion and safely challenge prejudice and discrimination.

Useful Information

Information provided by True Vision: can be found by clicking the button below:

Guide to Hate Crime - Sexual Orientation
Galop - Supporting LGBT victims of abuse and violence

Useful Information

Information provided by can be found by clicking the button below:

Guide to Hate Crime - Transgender

Useful Information

Information provided by can be found by clicking the button below:

Guide to Hate Crime - Racial

Useful Information

Information provided by can be found by clicking the button below:

Guide to Hate Crime - Religion

Useful Information

Information provided by can be found by clicking the button below:

Guide to Hate Crime - Disability


This teaching resource has been designed for you use with pupils in Years 5 through to 10. It aims to provide pupils with information on hate crime, including what it is, what the law says about it and how to report it.

The resources includes KS2 and KS3/4 activities to help teachers and pupils begin to explore:

  • identity
  • inclusion and exclusion
  • belonging
  • acceptance and valuing of others
  • hate crime/incidents

Before you start

Please review all materials prior to using them, as some of the language and topics covered are mature and challenging, and could trigger some young people.

Create a supportive environment to allow for a non-judgemental space, where young people feel safe and are open to discussion. We would encourage you to create a set of expectations specific to this topic, and link them to your classroom/school expectations and values, this will allow young people within your class to have the opportunity to express their views and opinions, demonstrate respect and feel comfortable in disagreeing with or challenging each other.

These workshops have been created to be delivered by staff members who are well known to the target audience and have developed good relationships, shared understanding and mutual trust and respect.

Teaching Preparation

These lessons have been designed to be taught either in sequence, to build on skills and understanding over a period of weeks, or as standalone sessions which could be delivered across a wider period of the academic year.

Given the nature of the topics covered and the sensitivity of the material, it is vital that support is available to young people before, during and after each of the sessions.

The button below, will take you to a downloadable glossary to help support delivery.

Glossary of Terms

Primary Teaching Pack

The below button provides access to the primary teaching pack, which is designed for delivery to years 5&6. The button will open in a separate page, to enable you to download the pack.

Primary - Year 5 and 6 (KS2)

Secondary Teaching Pack

The buttons below provide access to two secondary teaching packs, which are designed for delivery to years 7&8 and years 9&10. The buttons will open in a separate pages, to enable you to download the pack.

Secondary Yr7&8 (KS3)
Secondary Yr9&10 (KS4)