Topic: Prevent

Please be reminded that Safe4me is NOT a standalone resource; it is designed as a toolkit to support teachers to deliver information to pupils specific to the Law, Consequences and Personal Safety only.

The resources in this tool-kit are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet individual needs, suitability and time; adaptable for KS3, KS4 and Post 16, they can be used in one or across multiple lessons.

There is vast range of valuable resources made available by a host of other organisations, providing advice and materials to support work relating to this topic; the link below gives access to a directory of useful resources.


  1. To introduce Prevent and factors relating to terrorism: who, why, how?
  2. To deter from stereotyping, discrimination, radicalisation and involvement in extremist behaviour
  3. To identify signs of radicalisation and alternative pathways/choices
  4. Know where to seek support and how to respond to concerns

Learning Outcomes

  • Improved understanding of what Prevent and terrorism is; who, how and why it can happen
  • Improved understanding of discrimination and how grievances link to radicalisation and extremism
  • Improved understanding of how radicalisers groom people to help identify alternative pathways
  • Increase awareness of support services and how to access them in school. locally and nationally

PSHE Criteria – KS 3

  • L23. to recognise the importance of seeking a variety of perspectives on issues
    and ways of assessing the evidence which supports those views
  • L24. to understand how the way people present themselves online can have
    positive and negative impacts on them
  • L26. that on any issue there will be a range of viewpoints; to recognise the
    potential influence of extreme views on people’s attitudes and behaviours

PSHE Criteria – KS 4

  • L26. how data may be used with the aim of influencing decisions, including
    targeted advertising and other forms of personalisation online; strategies to
    manage this
  • L27. strategies to critically assess bias, reliability and accuracy in digital content
  • L28. to assess the causes and personal consequences of extremism and
    intolerance in all their forms
  • L29. to recognise the shared responsibility to challenge extreme viewpoints that
    incite violence or hate and ways to respond to anything that causes anxiety or

PSHE Criteria – KS 5

  • L23. how social media can expand, limit or distort perspectives and recognise how content they create and share may contribute to, or challenge this
  • L24. to be a critical consumer of online information in all its forms, including recognising bias, propaganda and manipulation
  • L25. when and how to report or access help for themselves or others in relation to extremism and radicalisation

Lesson Resources

Learning Resources for this subject area, are made up of resources from specialist websites, that create and share teaching resources.

Planning and preparation advice

Facilitators are requested to read the advice below before using the Prevent toolkit and Pathways resources:

  • It is important to approach the topic of terrorism cautiously, especially with young people; a degree of planning and preparation is required ahead of facilitating any input relating to this topic.
  • This toolkit is not a standalone resource; on it’s own, it will not meet all aspects of SMSC or Prevent requirements.
  • This resource uses film and group discussion as an opportunity for young people (13+) to explore stereotypes, prejuduces, grievances, radicalisation and alternative choices, by sharing their views, values, attitudes and beliefs in safe and facilitated environment.
  • There are 2 options for facilitators to give flexibilty in delivery according to individual preference, level of knowledge, confidence, audience, needs and requirements; one is supported by a powerpoint, the other provides notes only.

Pre and Post Evaluation

The button below provides a pre and post evaluation to be used with your group, to help identify distance travelled as part of this delivery.

Pre and Post Evaluation

Reference Sheet

Further information and advice to help you plan your session, can be found by downloading the Law Reference sheet via the button below.

Law Reference Sheet

Setting the Learning Environment and Welfare

Safe4me recognises the importance of planning and preparing pupils for learning; please read the guidance below prior to using the resources to ensure the best possible learning experience and outcomes for pupils.


  • Ensure pupils have been prepared for the topic prior to this lesson.
  • Ensure follow-on work is planned to develop further learning
  • Be mindful of the nature or sensitivity of the subject and AVOID personalising or directing questions at individuals, i.e. ‘Has anyone ever seen/done/been affected by……’
  • Be aware of Safeguarding policy regarding disclosures or concerns for welfare and safety.
  • Reassure pupils that they are not expected to give real life experiences
  • Explain procedure for leaving the class if pupils feel upset or uncomfortable; where/who to go to.
  • Ensure you sign-post pupils to follow-on support; include staff in school and other services recommended in this resource or network directory.
  • Given the nature or sensitivity of the topic, consider pupils who may wish to ask questions, express views or share their experiences in forms other than verbally.
  • Suggestion: site a ‘post box’ in classroom/school.

Ground Rules

  • Introduce topic, explaining the consideration needed when contributing i.e. feelings and values of others
  • Inform pupils of boundaries: what is expected, what won’t be tolerated and any subsequent consequences
  • Explain objectives, process, and the value of exploring the topic and allowing pupils time to prepare themselves for learning
  • Explain value of peer-learning through sharing values, views and knowledge; and the added value of listening if choosing not to contribute verbally.

Going Too Far?

This is a practical resource to help teachers empower young people to:

  • recognise examples of extremist behaviour and content online
  • understand actions which could be identified as criminal activity
  • explore techniques used for persuasion and build resilience through critical thinking.
  • access support from trusted individuals and organisations.

The resource is designed for secondary school teachers, but resources provided can be adapted to suit primary as well.

You can access resources and downloadable materials here:

Going Too Far? - Resources

Educate Against Hate

The Think: Protect: Connect toolkit is a resource to support schools, FE colleges and youth settings safeguard children and young people, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions, from online radicalisation and extremism.

It is delivered through a series of six hour-long workshops, designed to generate engagement, discussion and learning. It helps challenge the myths, misconceptions and stereotypes held by children and young people around individuals and groups. It also equips young people to critically assess and challenge sensitive topics including myths about race, racism, the use of online propaganda and extremist ideologies.

Suitable for: KS3, 4 and 5.

The resource is provided by Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism


Pathways film

The film runs for 19 minutes and is centred around 2 main characters – Imran and Matt; it was developed by the Safer Stockton Partnership to portray the process of radicalisation within diverse groups, recognising grievances, challenging extremist behaviour and taking positive action against this activity.

Note: This film and lesson resources focuses primarily on Islamic extremism and radicalisation, please therefore ensure it is appropriate for your group. Alternative resources are available in the lesson resources tab. 

Before you play the film, there are optional starter resources ranging from icebreakers to evaluation sheets. All resources can be found by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

After the film, the activity is a group work discussion with 2 options; one with general questions and one specific to characters and their actions.

Pathways Power PointPathways Film

Delivery options

Option 1
This option explores the topic in more details and offers step-by-step support for facilitators.  It takes approx. one hour and includes:

  • PowerPoint providing slide-by-slide notes and guidance to fully support the faciltator with delivery.
  • 3 Icebreakers: use 1 or all 3, each one has a response slide
  • Pathways link is also embedded in the presentation
  • Discussion exercise provides discussion based on each character
  • Signposting, with slides covering points to Recognise and Respond, refers to support advice
Option 1 - Resources

Option 2
This option provides a lower level of support for flexibilty; suitable for facilitators who require limited guidance.  It takes up to one hour and includes:

  • Notes for the start, middle and end to support delivery.
  • 3 Icebreakers: Option to use 1, all 3 or none at all
  • Discussion Exercise – a whole class approach with key questions
Option 2 - Resources

Parent/Carer Information

Information for Parent and Carers can be found via the button below, and provides advice and support, as well as general information on this subject.

Parent/Carer Information

Prevent and Channel

A simple guide, provided by Let’s Talk About It, to support professionals in their understanding of the channel process.

Prevent and Channel Overview

Prevent Pocket Guide

An introduction to the Prevent programme, including everything you need to know, provided by Let’s Talk About It.

Prevent Pocket Guide