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Information and resources to educate young people about their rights, the law and police processes added to Safe4me…

Young People’s Rights, Law and Police Processes

Reporting crime and making complaints are some of the areas shown to be under-represented by young people.

Consultation with young people in Hampshire revealed that young people are often apprehensive to report a crime, thinking they must be prepared to go to court, unaware that many crimes are dealt with out of court where possible. Young people were also unaware or unclear of their right to make a complaint, or their rights when being searched or arrested.

In response, we developed a Youth Charter to inform young people of Hampshire Constabulary’s commitment to keeping them safe and informed. The charter includes six additional sub-charters which give clear and straightforward explanations for young people about their rights, the law and police processes to support their understanding and decision making in relation to:

  • Investigation Outcomes
  • Being Arrested
  • Reporting a Crime
  • Breaking the Law
  • Making a Complaint
  • Being Searched

We have added the Youth Charter and sub-charters to Safe4me in the form of a Rights & the Law toolkit; included are links to Lawstuff, a national site for young people to find out about their rights in all aspects of life, and film resources from the BBC to support British Values and Citizenship.

Please use the charter, sub-charters and other resources in the work you do with young people to improve awareness and understanding about their rights and the law, and to help them understand police processes to improve their understanding of Police and Criminal Justice processes.

Safe4me Rights & the Law