Topic: Healthy Relationships

Please be reminded that Safe4me is NOT a standalone resource; it is designed as a toolkit to support teachers to deliver information to pupils specific to the Law, Consequences and Personal Safety only.

The resources in this tool-kit are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet individual needs, suitability and time; adaptable for KS3, KS4 and Post 16, they can be used in one or across multiple lessons.

There is vast range of valuable resources made available by a host of other organisations, providing advice and materials to support work relating to this topic; the link below gives access to a directory of useful resources.


  1. To develop understanding of what is a healthy respectful friendship
  2. To develop understanding of what is a healthy respectful romantic relationship
  3. To develop understanding of what makes a relationship or friendship ‘unhealthy’
  4. To develop knowledge of how and where to get support

Learning Outcomes

  • Pupil can define different types of relationships
  • Pupil understands what factors make a respectful and healthy relationship
  • Pupil is aware and able to recognise factors that make a relationship ‘unhealthy’
  • Pupil will know of support services available and how to access them

Lesson Resources

Each of the 4 stages aligns with one of the aims and learning outcomes, providing users a flexible and focussed approach to lesson delivery; activity resources and user notes can be accessed via the links below.

Setting the Learning Environment and Welfare

Safe4me recognises the importance of planning and preparing pupils for learning; please read the guidance below prior to using the resources to ensure the best possible learning experience and outcomes for pupils.


  • Ensure pupils have been prepared for the topic prior to this lesson.
  • Ensure follow-on work is planned to develop further learning
  • Be mindful of the nature or sensitivity of the subject and AVOID personalising or directing questions at individuals, i.e. ‘Has anyone ever seen/done/been affected by……’
  • Be aware of Safeguarding policy regarding disclosures or concerns for welfare and safety.
  • Reassure pupils that they are not expected to give real life experiences
  • Explain procedure for leaving the class if pupils feel upset or uncomfortable; where/who to go to.
  • Ensure you sign-post pupils to follow-on support; include staff in school and other services recommended in this resource or network directory.
  • Given the nature or sensitivity of the topic, consider pupils who may wish to ask questions, express views or share their experiences in forms other than verbally.
  • Suggestion: site a ‘post box’ in classroom/school.

Ground Rules

  • Introduce topic, explaining the consideration needed when contributing i.e. feelings and values of others
  • Inform pupils of boundaries: what is expected, what won’t be tolerated and any subsequent consequences
  • Explain objectives, process, and the value of exploring the topic and allowing pupils time to prepare themselves for learning
  • Explain value of peer-learning through sharing values, views and knowledge; and the added value of listening if choosing not to contribute verbally.

We’re supporting the Government’s campaign aimed at young people to prevent them becoming perpetrators and victims of abusive relationships.

The Disrespect NoBody campaign helps prevent young people from becoming perpetrators and victims of abusive relationships by encouraging them to re-think their views of abuse, controlling behaviour and what consent and sexting – the sending of explicit images by phone or email – means within relationships.

It aims to prevent the onset of domestic abuse in adults by challenging attitudes and behaviours amongst young people that abuse within relationships is acceptable.

The campaign is targeted at 12 to 18 year olds – both boys and girls – and aims to prevent them from becoming perpetrators and victims of abusive relationships. It provides information on understanding the meaning of consent, what rape is, relationship abuse, pornography and sexting, along with the signs on how to spot them, the consequences and supporting advice. There is also contact information giving access to help from trusted organisations should you be worried about yourself or somebody you know.

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